By Year
By Type
By Venue
By Author
1Noman Bashir
1David Bermbach
1Ivona Brandic
1Everton Cavalcante
1Abhishek Chandra
1Michelle Cheng
1James Culbert
4Xin Dai
2Wensheng Dou
1Sean Fanello
1Xianglong Feng
1Rodrigo Fonseca
1William Gallagher
3Guin R. Gilman
1Aniruddha Gokhale
1John Goodhue
3Vijay Gopalakrishnan
58Tian Guo
1Mohammad Hajiesmaili
1Xinlu He
2Xin He
1Chris Hill
2Zimeng Huang
1Haibin Huang
1Yixian Huang
1Patrick Pegus II
6David Irwin
3Bo Jiang
2Nan Jiang
1Kai Kang
5Xiangnan Kong
1Nicholas Krichevsky
1Chandra Krintz
1Ioannis Kyriazis
1John Lee
2Stephen Lee
2Seungjoon Lee
1Matthew LeMay
4Shijian Li
3Yunzhuo Liu
1Xinyue Liu
1Yao Liu
1Matthew St Louis
1Wenhao Ma
1Chongyang Ma
1Anirban Mahanti
1Oren Mangoubi
1Constance Moore
1Erich Nahum
1Mohamed E. Najd
1Sam Ogden
10Samuel S. Ogden
1Huy Phan
1K. K. Ramakrishnan
2KK Ramakrishnan
1Hakan Hacigu ̈mu ̈s
2Sambit Sahu
4Prateek Sharma
2Upendra Sharma
16Prashant Shenoy
1Craig A. Shue
2Ramesh Sitaraman
1Aleksander Slominski
1Abel Souza
1Supreeth Subramanya
1Viswanathan Swaminathan
1Zhongze Tang
1Curtis R. Taylor
1Lauritz Thamsen
2Yuandong Tian
1Don Towsley
1Jean-Baptiste Truong
1Peter M. VanNostrand
1Benoy Varghese
2Arun Venkataramani
8Robert J. Walls
2Xinbing Wang
2Linnan Wang
2Wei Wang
4Sheng Wei
2Jun Wei
1Adam Wierman
1Rich Wolski
2Timothy Wood
1Yi Xie
4Lijie Xu
1Wenyao Xu
1Lisong Xu
1Kevin Yang
1Xingtong Ye
1Bo Yuan
1Tianjun Zhang
7Yiqin Zhao
2Yiyang Zhao
1Chenghu Zhou
1Zichen Zhu

Measuring the Impact of Gradient Accumulation on Cloud-based Distributed Training

Zimeng Huang, Bo Jiang, Tian Guo, Yunzhuo Liu

THE 23rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium On Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid'23)


Though GA is a commonly adopted technique for addressing the GPU memory shortage problem in model training, its benefits to model training have not been systematically studied. This paper evaluates and summarizes the benefits of GA, especially in terms of cloud-based distributed training scenarios, where training cost is determined by both execution time and resource consumption.

LayerCake: Efficient Inference Serving with Cloud and Mobile Resources

Sam Ogden, Tian Guo

THE 23rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium On Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid'23)


The landscape of DL inference has changed drastically since our first paper on mobile deep inference! Many mobile-oriented models have arised and more apps are leveraging DL models. This paper considers the dynamic inference execution environment and schedules the request to the best-available resource.

Multi-Camera Lighting Estimation for Photorealistic Front-Facing Mobile Augmented Reality

Yiqin Zhao, Sean Fanello, Tian Guo

The Twenty-fourth International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (Hotmobile'23)


We demonstrate the promise of dual-camera lighting estimation in improving rendering effects for virtual try-on AR applications. Furthermore, we also show that an existing SToA lighting estimation model can't fully utilize the enlarged camera view.

FuncPipe: A Pipelined Serverless Framework for Fast and Cost-efficient Training of Deep Learning Models

Yunzhuo Liu, Bo Jiang, Tian Guo, Zimeng Huang, Wenhao Ma, Xinbing Wang, Chenghu Zhou

Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS, 2023 (SIGMETRICS'23)

paper , project

FuncPipe co-optimzes model partition and serverless resource allocation to reduce memory consumption and also relieve communication burden in distributed training. Further, we designed a pipelined scatter-reduce to simultaneously utilize downlink/uplink bandwidth.

LitAR: Visually Coherent Lighting for Mobile Augmented Reality

Yiqin Zhao, Chongyang Ma, Haibin Huang, Tian Guo

Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT'22)

paper , project

LitAR reconstructs high-quality environment map using mobile LiDAR sensor and RGB camera with a two-field reconstruction technique. LitAR thus supports features like reflection rendering and correct color tone. Further, our multi-resolution

Privacy-preserving Reflection Rendering for Augmented Reality

Yiqin Zhao, Sheng Wei, Tian Guo

30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM) (MM'22)

paper , project

It is desirable to support visually-coherent rendering for end-user facing applications, such as AR content streaming. However, rendered reflections might reveal sensitive information of the physical space. This paper demonstrates the ease of such attacks proposes two simple defense mechanisms with different visual impacts.

FusedAR: Adaptive Environment Lighting Reconstruction for Visually Coherent Mobile AR Rendering

Yiqin Zhao, Tian Guo

IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (IEEEVRW'22)

paper , project

A followup work to Xihe, FusedAR now provides lighting information that can be used for high-quality reflection rendering for Mobile AR.

Multi-objective Optimization by Learning Space Partitions

Yiyang Zhao, Linnan Wang, Kevin Yang, Tianjun Zhang, Tian Guo, Yuandong Tian

International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'22)


A novel multi-objective optimizer that learns a model from observed samples to partition the search space and then focus on promising regions that are likely to contain a subset of the Pareto frontier.

FiShNet: Fine-Grained Filter Sharing for Resource-Efficient Multi-Task Learning

Xin Dai, Xiangnan Kong, Tian Guo, Xinlu He

ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'21)


Having multiple deep learning tasks that you want to run on mobile devices? Our FiShNet circumvents the need to manage multiple DL models and provides flexible and fine-grained sharing among different tasks.

Many Models at the Edge:Scaling Deep Inference via Model-Level Caching

Samuel S. Ogden, Guin R. Gilman, Robert J. Walls, Tian Guo

2nd IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS'21)

code , paper

Want to know how to effectively manage a large number of deep learning models, some are popular and some are less requested, at a resource-constrained edge? Check out our model-specific caching work CremeBrulee!

Enabling Sustainable Clouds: The Case for Virtualizing the Energy System

Noman Bashir, Tian Guo, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Ramesh Sitaraman, Abel Souza, Adam Wierman

ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2021 (SoCC'21)


It is time to treat carbon as the first-class citizen when designining and managing data centers and clouds! Our vision paper outlines a roadmap with energy virtualization that leads us toward near zero carbon future.

On the Future of Cloud Engineering

David Bermbach, Abhishek Chandra, Chandra Krintz, Aniruddha Gokhale, Aleksander Slominski, Lauritz Thamsen, Everton Cavalcante, Tian Guo, Ivona Brandic, Rich Wolski

9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E'21)


Quantifying and Improving Performance of Distributed Deep Learning with Cloud Storage

Nicholas Krichevsky, Matthew St Louis, Tian Guo

9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E'21)

code , paper

DELI 🥪 is a PyTorch-based prototype for enabling efficient distributed deep learning using cloud storage buckets. DELI can reduce the time that the training loop is waiting for data by 85.6% - 93.5% compared to loading from a storage bucket.

Memory-Efficient Deep Learning Inference in Trusted Execution Environments

Jean-Baptiste Truong, William Gallagher, Tian Guo, Robert J. Walls

9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E'21)

paper , project

Do you want to securely run unmodified DL models? TEEs help but can lead to more than 20X overhead! Check out our work that reduces the execution overhead to 1.09X!

Xihe: A 3D Vision-based Lighting Estimation Framework for Mobile Augmented Reality

Yiqin Zhao, Tian Guo

The 19th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys'21)

code , paper , project

No more physical probes or undesirable visual effects! With our system Xihe, mobile AR developers can access accurate spatially-variant lighting estimation in ~20ms. All you need is a Lidar-enabled device!

Few-shot Neural Architecture Search

Yiyang Zhao, Linnan Wang, Yuandong Tian, Rodrigo Fonseca, Tian Guo

Thirty-eighth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'21) long oral

paper , project

Are you intrigued by one-shot NAS but worried about the inccurate performance estimation? Try out our few-shot NAS! Few-shot NAS establishes new SoTAs, e.g., on ImageNet, it finds models that reach 80.5 top-1 accuracy at 600 MB FLOPS.

Sync-Switch: Hybrid Parameter Synchronization for Distributed Deep Learning

Shijian Li, Oren Mangoubi, Lijie Xu, Tian Guo

41th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'21)

code , paper , project

This paper presents a hybrid synchronization approach that exploits the benefits of both BSP and ASP, i.e., reducing training time while simultaneously maintaining the converged accuracy.

PieSlicer: Dynamically Improving Response Time for Cloud-based CNN Inference

Samuel S. Ogden, Xiangnan Kong, Tian Guo

12th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE'21)

code , paper , project

The bottleneck for using cloud-based inference can come down to poor mobile or network performance. PieSlicer improves this performance by dynamically deciding where to preprocess the inference input based on empirical-driven performance models.

CINET: Redesigning Deep Neural Networks for Efficient Mobile-Cloud Collaborative Inference

Xin Dai, Xiangnan Kong, Tian Guo, Yixian Huang

SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'21)

paper , project

We design a collaboration-aware neural network called CiNet by considering the low on-device computation and network transmission cost from the outset. CiNet allows easy and efficient inference computation partition across mobile device and remote server.

GRAD: Learning for Overhead-aware Adaptive Video Streaming with Scalable Video Coding

Yunzhuo Liu, Bo Jiang, Tian Guo, Ramesh Sitaraman, Don Towsley, Xinbing Wang

28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM'20)

paper , project

We provide a new mechanism for bitrate adaptation algorithms, enabling finer-grained bitrate adjustments to both buffered and incoming video chunks. Our deep reinforcement learning based approach outperforms state-of-the-art, especially under highly-variable network.

VVSec: Securing Volumetric Video Streaming via Benign Use of Adversarial Perturbation

Zhongze Tang, Xianglong Feng, Yi Xie, Huy Phan, Tian Guo, Bo Yuan, Sheng Wei

28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM'20)

paper , project

Demystifying the Placement Policies of the GPU Thread Block Scheduler for Concurrent Kernels

Guin R. Gilman, Samuel S. Ogden, Tian Guo, Robert J. Walls

38th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (Performance'20)

paper , project

EPNet: Learning to Exit with Flexible Multi-Branch Network

Xin Dai, Xiangnan Kong, Tian Guo

ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'20)

paper , project

PointAR: Efficient Lighting Estimation for Mobile Augmented Reality

Yiqin Zhao, Tian Guo

16th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'20)

poster , paper , project

Recurrent Networks for Guided Multi-Attention Classification

Xin Dai, Xiangnan Kong, Tian Guo, John Lee, Xinyue Liu, Constance Moore

ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'20)

paper , project

QuRate: Power-Efficient Mobile Immersive Video Streaming

Nan Jiang, Yao Liu, Tian Guo, Wenyao Xu, Viswanathan Swaminathan, Lisong Xu, Sheng Wei

ACM Multimedia Systems Conference 2020 (MMSys'20) 🎉🎉 Best Paper, DASH-IF Excellence in DASH Award (3rd place) 🎉🎉

code , paper , project

Characterizing and Modeling Distributed Training with Transient Cloud GPU Servers

Shijian Li, Robert J. Walls, Tian Guo

40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'20)

code , paper , project

DistStream: An Order-Aware Distributed Framework for Online-Offline Stream Clustering Algorithms

Lijie Xu, Xingtong Ye, Kai Kang, Tian Guo, Wensheng Dou, Wei Wang, Jun Wei

40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'20)

paper , project

PointAR: Efficient Lighting Estimation for Mobile Augmented Reality

Yiqin Zhao, Tian Guo

International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile'20)

paper , project

Perseus: Characterizing Performance and Cost of Multi-Tenant Serving for CNN Models

Matthew LeMay, Shijian Li, Tian Guo

IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E'20)

code , paper , project

MDInference: Balancing Inference Accuracy and Latency for Mobile Applications

Samuel S. Ogden, Tian Guo

IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E'20)

code , paper , project

Challenges and Opportunities of DNN Model Execution Caching

Guin R. Gilman, Samuel S. Ogden, Robert J. Walls, Tian Guo

Third Workshop on Distributed Infrastructures for Deep Learning (DIDL'19)

paper , project

Speeding up Deep Learning with Transient Servers

Shijian Li, Robert J. Walls, Lijie Xu, Tian Guo

The 16th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'19)

code , paper , project

Virtual reality streaming at the edge: a power perspective: poster

Zichen Zhu, Nan Jiang, Tian Guo, Sheng Wei

ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC'19)


EdgeServe: efficient deep learning model caching at the edge

Tian Guo, Robert J. Walls, Samuel S. Ogden

ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC'19)


Characterizing the deep neural networks inference performance of mobile applications

Samuel S. Ogden, Tian Guo

arXiv (arXiv'19)


Confidential deep learning: Executing proprietary models on untrusted devices

Peter M. VanNostrand, Ioannis Kyriazis, Michelle Cheng, Tian Guo, Robert J. Walls

arXiv (arXiv'19)


Modipick: Sla-aware accuracy optimization for mobile deep inference

Samuel S. Ogden, Tian Guo

arXiv (arXiv'19)


CloudCoaster: Transient-aware Bursty Datacenter Workload Scheduling

Samuel S. Ogden, Tian Guo

arXiv (arXiv'19)


An experimental evaluation of garbage collectors on big data applications

Lijie Xu, Tian Guo, Wensheng Dou, Wei Wang, Jun Wei

The 45th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'19)


MODI: Mobile Deep Inference Made Efficient by Edge Computing

Samuel S. Ogden, Tian Guo

The USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge'18)

code , paper

Cloud-based or On-device: An Empirical Study of Mobile Deep Inference

Tian Guo

IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E'18)


Providing geo-elasticity in geographically distributed clouds

Tian Guo, Prashant Shenoy

Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT'18)


Latency-aware virtual desktops optimization in distributed clouds

Tian Guo, Prashant Shenoy, K. K. Ramakrishnan, Vijay Gopalakrishnan

Multimedia Systems (MMSJ'18)


Performance and cost considerations for providing geo-elasticity in database clouds

Tian Guo, Prashant Shenoy

ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS'17)


On the feasibility of cloud-based SDN controllers for residential networks

Curtis R. Taylor, Tian Guo, Craig A. Shue, Mohamed E. Najd

IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN'17)


Managing risk in a derivative IaaS cloud

Prateek Sharma, Stephen Lee, Tian Guo, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS'17)


Placement Strategies for Virtualized Network Functions in a NFaaS Cloud

Xin He, Tian Guo, Erich Nahum, Prashant Shenoy

Fourth IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies (HotWeb'16)


Flint: Batch-Interactive Data-Intensive Processing on Transient Servers

Prateek Sharma, Tian Guo, Xin He, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy

the Eleventh European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys'16)


GeoScale: Providing Geo-Elasticity in Distributed Clouds

Tian Guo, Prashant Shenoy, Hakan Hacigu ̈mu ̈s

IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E'16)


Analyzing the Efficiency of a Green University Data Center

Patrick Pegus II, Benoy Varghese, Tian Guo, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Anirban Mahanti, James Culbert, John Goodhue, Chris Hill

ACM International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE'16)


SpotOn: A Batch Computing Service for the Spot Market

Supreeth Subramanya, Tian Guo, Prateek Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy

The sixth ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC'15)


Model-driven Geo-Elasticity In Database Clouds

Tian Guo, Prashant Shenoy

International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'15)


SpotCheck: Designing a Derivative IaaS Cloud on the Spot Market

Prateek Sharma, Stephen Lee, Tian Guo, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy

the Tenth European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys'15)


VMShadow: Optimizing The Performance of Latency-sensitive Virtual Desktops in Distributed Clouds

Tian Guo, Vijay Gopalakrishnan, KK Ramakrishnan, Prashant Shenoy, Arun Venkataramani, Seungjoon Lee

Proceedings of the 5th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys'14)


Vmshadow: Optimizing the performance of virtual desktops in distributed clouds

Tian Guo, Vijay Gopalakrishnan, KK Ramakrishnan, Prashant Shenoy, Arun Venkataramani, Seungjoon Lee

Proceedings of the 4th annual Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC'13)


Cost-aware Cloud Bursting for Enterprise Applications

Tian Guo, Upendra Sharma, Prashant Shenoy, Timothy Wood, Sambit Sahu

Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT'13)


Seagull: intelligent cloud bursting for enterprise applications

Tian Guo, Upendra Sharma, Timothy Wood, Sambit Sahu, Prashant Shenoy

2012 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC'12)
